This month we managed to entice Sharon Moore, owner of Petcarers, away from her beloved animals to answer a few questions on how she does it. Caring for pets sounds like a job made in heaven for animal lovers. But there’s a bit more to running a successful business than you might think.
MyDeal Pro Tip:
Discuss all expectations and needs with the owner before you begin. Make sure you have the correct feeding times, any medical requirements down pat and how often treats should be given out. This is crucial, as you don’t want the little fur baby to get sick.

Sharon Moore
“First ask yourself if you have the skills and knowledge required. If not, an Animal Studies course at TAFE or online, volunteering at an animal shelter and completing a pet first aid course would be a good place to start. Secondly, do you have the energy and motivation to work seven days a week and for how long? Thirdly, who will fill in for you if you are sick or injured & do they have the skills necessary? Once you decide this is the life for you set up your standardized contracts and pet forms to capture all of the information you will need. You can email these to clients to fill in and have ready with the spare key when you meet for your instruction visit. Have policies and procedures in place for things like extreme weather conditions e.g. dogs not walked over 28 degrees, medical emergencies & OH & S and so on. A uniform shirt with your logo on it will look professional. Set office hours are important. Be fit, energetic, caring, disciplined and have down time so you don’t burn out. Above all else, a love of animals is an absolute must.”